McKeansburg, established in 1834, is the oldest town in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. The town is located in E. Brunswick Twp. Brunswick Twp, named after Braunschweig, Germany, was one of the original townships in the county, having been organized in 1801. It was divided into East and West Brunswick Twps. in 1834. McKeansburg was once considered for the county seat (losing out to Orwigsburg) and the first jail in the county was built here. (It was probably more of a lock-up than a jail.)
Named for Thomas McKean, 2nd Governor of Pennsylvania (1799-1808) the town was ideally located to take advantage of commerce and industry as they developed in the area.
The first house in the town was built in 1803 on the site now occupied by this hotel. The Farmer's Hotel replaced that house and when it burned, this structure was built to replace it in 1890. At the time there were 38 stars on our flag and Benjamin Harrison was our 23 President.
Schuylkill County, named for the river of the same name, was formed in 1811 from parts of Berks, Northampton and Northumberland counties. In 1818 additional territory was added from Columbia and Lehigh counties which brought it to it's present configuration.
The name "Schuylkill", thought by many to be derived from Native American name, is actually Dutch in origin. It was named by early explorers from the Netherlands. They called it "Schylen Kill" which means Hidden River. The natives called it "Tool-Pay Hanna" or Turtle RIver.
Anthracite (hard) coal was discovered on the Broad Mountain in 1790. It's value and importance were not immediately recognized as it proved to be difficult to ignite. When that problem was overcome, it became the most important industry in the county. Schulkill County was blessed with some of the largest coal deposits in the "Coal Region".
We are located in McKeansburg on state Route 443 a few miles east of Orwigsburg in Schuylkill County. We are the McKeansburg Hotel, Bar and Restaurant. This hotel has been here since 1890, serving the public with food, beverages and lodging. Although lodging is no longer provided, we feel the beverages and food are the best ever offered in both quality, variety and value.